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Desc: Don Fernando, Jesse Adams in classic porn site.
★ Jesse Adams AKA ( Arne Larson, Cal Mason, Ed Stark, Eric Hansen, Jess Mann, Jesse Adams, Jessie Adams, Jessie St. James, Johnny Harden, Lars De Leuw, Norman Mince, Tom Chandler ).Birthday:August 12, 1949.Astrology:Leo.Birthplace:n/a.Years Active:1974 - 2009.Ethnicity:Caucasian.Nationality/Heritage:n/a.Hair Color:Blond.Measurements:n/a.Frequent partners:Blair Harris, Ed Navarro, Hershel Savage, Jon Martin, Mike Horner.
Tags: classic porn, vintage sex videos, nude, erotica, retro porn stars, porn dvd, hairy movie, porn stars.
Duration: 906sec.